Thursday, July 31, 2008

drunk moose bites toddler


Let me first say this story made my day. NAY... it made my week.  

So apparently in Sweden there was this cute little toddler just playing away in a sandbox, when all of a sudden.... OUT of the forest.... came a DRUNKEN MOOSE!  It apparently staggered up and bit her on the arm!! 

The little girl screamed! 

WHAAAAA!!!!   (or in her native Swedish tongue -- "WHÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ")

The mother ran out and asked what happened, as the little girl recounted how she was nibbled on by a intoxicated moose!! 

Apparently the Moose (whom I've nicknamed Woozy Moosesy) was chowing down on fermented apples.  Those tainted apples inebriated the poor Moose.  Strange no? 

So the local villagers with their pitchforks and torches waited by the fermented apple pit and shot the Moose in the butt! Poor moose! They should have put out some black coffee and a cold shower.... oh well! :) 

Monday, July 28, 2008

i'm a bad friend

so one of my best friends Dan S. is currently living in Japan doing the JET programme.  Very cool!! I feel bad 'cause he emails me and I'm just inately lazy and never email him back... I admit it! :) 

SO... I decided to make up to him by linking to his SUPERLY COOL Blog!! 

So go check it out!! :)


(Here's a really funny pic of Dan and I from about 3 years ago!! HAHA!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dressed up Dog! :)

WAY too cute! this dog has a purse and sunglasses on! BWAHAHA

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

sailor pug!

front row kitty!!

cutest thing ever!!! 


CNN has lost it....

my good friend Duncan Ramsay (check out his site HERE) sent me this email with the headlines of CNN's top news stories of the day...

we both thought they were funny....

cutest kitten ever.....

I bought my ticket HOME!!!


So my birthday is next month! (WOOT WOOT!!!) ....and I have about 2 weeks of vacation time to get rid I got a ticket to fly back to Denver, Colorado for about 10 days during my birthday!!  It also is incidentally during the Democratic Natl Convention (which my cousin Brian is working) .... should be interesting.... 

BUT my cousin Megan (who's birthday is the day before mine....the 26th).... got us second row tickets to Brandi  Carlile!!!! WOO! I'm starting to become a stalker of hers! :) 

So Boulder, Brandi Carlile, Democrats, and ROCKY!!!! I'm so very excited to see all my family!! :) 

So if you're one of my friends and you know you'll be in Colorado during the last part of August... give me a holla! :)

Jill Scott ROCKS my world

So for the last 6 months I've been VERY obsessed with Jill Scott. 

here is one of my favorite songs of hers..... she is quite impeccable... see for yourself...

why are you doing meth?

I apparently am innocent... but I haven't come across anyone in my life that has actually done meth.  

I do have a friend that broke up with a girl because she was doing meth.  

Let's do our research people.... it's not quite the glamourous choice we think it is.  I will admit that there are many things in life that we think we'll never be these extreme cases....and then somehow we still take that small step down the road.  I've never done anything this crazy, but I can understand the idea of walking on loose gravel.  

creepy old ads

I came across these very strange and creepy ads from back in the day..... oh how I love our PC and so-un-PC world we live in now....

kenna - out of control

so I was sitting in my FAVORITE movie theater of all time (the Alamo Drafthouse) watching my favorite movie of the summer (Batman).....when the Alamo did their special trailer of their upcoming events.  All I knew was the song was AMAZING.... 

I had NO idea who sang Shazam to the rescue!! 

Kenna- Out of Control

my favorite part is the chorus... ENJOY! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I like MIA...

my new favorite song is "Paper Planes" by M.I.A.

funny thing is that my Mom HATED this song/video when she saw it..... but my last week of Trivia night I was the only person to get the song right! :)

vote for my homie Josh for fans' favorite 2008


So my homie Josh Alcala is a player for the football (soccer to all you YANKEES...) team here in Austin.

Reasons why he's cool.....

1. He's got my back when people try to fight me downtown
2. He keeps me OUT of fights downtown
3. He's half-hispanic: ergo....1/2 bad ass
4. He got injured and still whooped butt
5. He works for Apple and hacked his iPhone (kinda funny? right?)
6. Wildest 1/2 Filipino 1/2 Spanish kid I know!
7. Makes up 1/3 of the überly cool secret group - JosTimKimberly
8. He breaks girls hearts like he scores soccer goals! GOOOOAAAALL!

and finally...
9. He's a defender....which is what the troops are doing over in Iraq.
Don't you have a heart? All you crazy conservatives out there with your yellow ribbons and such?!? SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!! --- i.e. vote for Josh Alcala

so go here for the roster---

and THEN email --

telling them YOU want JOSH ALCALA to be voted the 2008 Fans' Player of the Season!!!!

THANKS y'all! and pass it along to your friends...or email from another gmail account like I'm going to do!


michael jackson has officially lost it

SO if you wanted to go out in public without anyone noticing you....would you do this????

I don't think SO! :) He's lost it for sure....

mccain ad

this is an actual billboard in LA..... an artist put it up.... geez I LOVE LA! :)

flipping out

is anyone else watching Flipping Out this season on Bravo!?!?!?!?!?!?! DEAR LORD.... they are all crazy!!! It's not as funny and neurotic ..... ok scratch that.... it's neurotic.... but it's gotten CRAZIER this year than last!!

They all are wild! :)

Go watch Season One for free!! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

mormons are weird

now that I live in Texas---- WHICH IS UP FOR DEBATE --- apparently everyone I talk to knows that Austin is not REALLY a part of Texas..... and it's kind of true... even when I drove down here from Denver I noticed it was all flat and farm like. THEN... all of a sudden it became GREEN and HILLY and BEAUTIFUL.... i'm talking BEAUTIFUL!! :) There was Austin.

That and it's freakishly liberal (the most democrat centric county in the whole state of Texas)...

anyways.... here's some freaky mormon's where they buy their clothes...

GO check out their WEBSITE

via freakmormons

donna summers - stamp your feet

so one of my best friends from Denver called me last week.... it was GREAT to hear from him!! I love ya Dave! There's some pics of him and his husband on my "Going Away Party" pictures. He has a blog that he hasn't updated in a while (SHAME! Shame on you!! ) but it'll be good ---- check it out-----

ANYWAYS.... we both we're excited to know that we both LOVE the new Donna Summer song "Stamp Your Feet"

we both saw it on American Idol and fell in love.....

so here is the video... (scratch that..stupid Donna doesn't want people to embed the original video....SO I won't give her props... check out a 'fan made' video....)

OHHH and speaking of Donna Summers.../the Weather Girls..... go check out Rainham Sheds...and turn your sound up!! :)

via Rainham Shed
and Donna Summers

haha... Pen Island

So there is a website out there that you can order and buy custom pens.... it's at Pen Island.

SOOOO... .they didn't think things through...
Pen is great...

BUT when you type it in---- looks like something else.... perhaps "penis island" ? haha.......

SO funny...

SYTYCD -- bollywood

this was my favorite dance from last week's episode. They are def my least favorite couple. I was sad to see Thayne go... Comfort could have gone... oh wait... this just in... she's back!! Replacing one of the other girls..


Sunday, July 13, 2008

the assassination of hillary clinton and barack obama

apparently putting this art display in your NYC window gets the cop's attention! :)

our capitols.....

this was on some pop-up ad about visiting state capitols.... kinda interesting....

Denver's has a gold top.
Austin's is brown and hot looking all over.
Denver's is cold looking.
Austin's is the tallest in the country..... randomness!


I don't know why...but I loved this image...

lol randoms